We are looking for new members to join and support our many local charity projects. The Rotary Club of Clark Centennial (RCCC) meets every Tuesday at 12:30 PM at the Blue Boar Inn.
Rotary International is a world-wide organisation with groups of people who have commitment and visions to come together using their passion, energy, and intelligence allowing them to take action on sustainable projects for the last 110 years. The projects range from literacy and peace to water and health.
An example of the good work of Rotary International is shown here in the Philippines. Starting locally, Rotary International has been working to eradicate polio for over 30 years, and their goal of ridding the earth of the disease is in sight. Rotary started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6 million children in the Philippines. Today, Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic.
With a network of over 1.2 million people working in more than 35,000 clubs worldwide your support will be magnified many times over for as a group Rotary International is much stronger than as individuals. Of course past success is no guarantee of the future but there are many examples of programs RCCC has undertaken.
In 2011 RCCC undertook a project to give a 4 year old girl from Bais, Negros Oriental, a lifesaving operation to repair a hole in her heart. The girl is now living a normal life and many more children have received similar life saving operations. Three ladies in Pampanga, who had lower leg amputations as the result of an accidents and diabetes were assessed and fitted with prosthetic lower limbs.
RCCC built the Angeles Bahay Bata Center to give street children a home, which now provides skills training for older children.
47 deaf children can now hear, and the SPED school they attend also received a Braille typewriter, classroom refurbishment and a Christmas party. Visually impaired children also benefited from from the kindness of RCCC members. Teenagers who could not afford to complete their studies received grants to allow them to gain their degrees.
These are just some of the projects RCCC have undertaken, and continue to do so. Children with cleft palates, elderly with cataracts, adults needing special wheelchairs we can work with other local organizations to help the needy.
The members of Rotary Club of Clark Centennial, wish to invite all foreigners and Filipinos in the Angeles City area to come to our meetings and join us. If you want to help the needy and can find a cause, please join us.
All welcome. Come to the Blue Boar Inn on a Tuesday 12.00 noon.
You can email admin@rotaryclubclarkcentennial.org